The molecular design of rice quality Dali Zeng1,2, Jiayang Li2*, Qian Qian1*
1State Key Laboratory of Rice Biology, China National Rice Research Institute, Hangzhou 310006; 2Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100081. *Corresponding Author:Tel: (+86571)6337 1418, qianqian188@hotmail.com; (+8610)6480 6008, jyli@genetics.ac.cn
Abstract With the development of molecular biology, the cloning and characterization of important agronomic gene, the genomics research, the bioinformatics databases and software tools ect, increased sharply. Those achievements provide exciting opportunities for rice molecular breeding. In this study, we integrated bioinformatics analysis, development of gene label, high-throughout screening methodology in rice breeding. The trait about rice quality, grain yield and plant type were pyramided to typical indica based on successive backcrossing and multi cross. The new rice strains are undergoing in Zhejiang Province and National Regional Trails.
Key Words: rice quality; molecular breeding